Projects (aka Betas)

Projects or Betas? They're the same thing. We used to say betas, now we say projects. A future version of the API will use the term projects.

The beta object


id integer
Unique identifier for the beta.
name string
Name of the beta.
homepage_url string
URL of a publicly-accessible webpage.
testers_count integer
Count of total testers.
impressions_count integer
Count of Signup Form unique views.
share_clicks_count integer
Count of shares.
share_signups_count integer
Count of referrals.
imported_testers_count integer
Count of testers in the imported status.
applied_testers_count integer
Count of testers in the applied status.
invited_testers_count integer
Count of testers in the invited status.
active_testers_count integer
Count of testers in the active status.
rejected_testers_count integer
Count of testers in the rejected status.
created_at timestamp
Time at which the beta was created.
updated_at timestamp
Time at which the beta was last updated.

LIST all betas GET /api/v2/betas

Rate Limit — 90 requests per 15-minute interval

Receive a list of all your company's betas.


  curl -u api_key:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Prefinery",
    "homepage_url": "",
    "testers_count": 13405,
    "impressions_count": 120652,
    "share_clicks_count": 23768,
    "share_signups_count": 12809,
    "imported_testers_count": 0,
    "applied_testers_count": 4032,
    "invited_testers_count": 5875,
    "active_testers_count": 3498,
    "rejected_testers_count": 0,
    "created_at": "2009-02-03T18:27:41Z",
    "updated_at": "2012-08-08T10:42:04Z"

SHOW a beta GET /api/v2/betas/1

Rate Limit — 90 requests per 15-minute interval

Get a single beta by its ID.


curl -u api_key:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Prefinery",
  "homepage_url": "",
  "testers_count": 13405,
  "impressions_count": 120652,
  "share_clicks_count": 23768,
  "share_signups_count": 12809,
  "imported_testers_count": 0,
  "applied_testers_count": 4032,
  "invited_testers_count": 5875,
  "active_testers_count": 3498,
  "rejected_testers_count": 0,
  "created_at": "2009-02-03T18:27:41Z",
  "updated_at": "2012-08-08T10:42:04Z"

DELETE a beta DELETE /api/v2/betas/1

Delete a single beta by its ID.


curl -u api_key: -X DELETE


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Code Description
2201 A general error has occurred.
2204 Unable to delete beta.