4 Steps to Prevent SaaS Affiliate Fraud

Learn how to combat SaaS affiliate fraud with effective strategies, tools, and ongoing prevention techniques to protect your business.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 7 min read
4 Steps to Prevent SaaS Affiliate Fraud

SaaS affiliate fraud is a $17 billion problem. Here's how to protect your business:

  1. Screen affiliates carefully
  2. Use good tracking and analysis tools
  3. Use fraud detection tools
  4. Create fraud prevention policies

Key facts:

  • In 2022, fake traffic cost advertisers $35.7 billion
  • Even optimistic estimates put fraud at 9% of affiliate activity
  • eBay lost $28 million to a cookie-stuffing scam

Common fraud types:

Quick Comparison:

Step Purpose Key Tools/Actions
Screen Affiliates Prevent fraud before it starts Detailed application, identity checks
Tracking & Analysis Monitor affiliate activity Rewardful, FirstPromoter, Google Analytics
Fraud Detection Catch suspicious behavior Real-time monitors, IP checkers, behavior analyzers
Prevention Policies Create a fraud response plan Fraud team, tiered commissions, regular account checks

Remember: Fraud prevention is ongoing. Stay informed about new scams and update your strategies regularly.

What is SaaS Affiliate Fraud?

SaaS affiliate fraud is a $17 billion problem. It's when scammers game the system to grab unearned commissions.

Definition of SaaS Affiliate Fraud

It's any shady activity that snags affiliate commissions without adding real value. These tricks often break the rules of affiliate agreements.

Fraudsters might:

  • Use bots for fake clicks
  • Create bogus leads with stolen data
  • Mess with tracking cookies

Common Types of SaaS Affiliate Fraud

SaaS companies face several sneaky tactics:

1. Click Fraud

Bots or click farms pump up traffic numbers.

2. Cookie Stuffing

Sneaking tracking cookies onto users' devices.

3. Typosquatting

Grabbing domains that look like a brand's real site.

4. Lead Fraud

Submitting fake info to create phony leads.

5. Transaction Fraud

Using stolen cards for fake purchases.

Here's a quick look at the damage:

Fraud Type What It Does Why It Hurts
Click Fraud Fake clicks and traffic Burns ad money, messes up data
Cookie Stuffing Misplaced cookies Wrong sales credit, inflated payouts
Typosquatting Similar domain names Steals traffic, hurts brand
Lead Fraud Fake lead info Wastes sales team time
Transaction Fraud Stolen card purchases Money loss, chargebacks

This problem is HUGE. In 2022, fake traffic cost advertisers $35.7 billion. Even the most optimistic numbers put fraud at 9% of affiliate activity.

"Ad fraud in the affiliate world is all about misattribution. Tricks like cookie stuffing are designed to steal credit for conversions." - Kalen Bushe, TrafficGuard

Real-world example: eBay lost $28 million to a cookie-stuffing scam. The fraudster? Shawn Hogan, CEO of Digital Point Solutions. He got five months in federal prison.

Knowing these scams is step one in fighting back. SaaS companies need to stay sharp and use tough tracking tools to catch and crush fraud.

Step 1: Screen Affiliates Carefully

Picking the right affiliates stops fraud before it starts. Here's how to set up a tough screening process:

Create a Detailed Application Process

Make potential affiliates work for it:

  • Ask for their website URL, traffic stats, and marketing methods
  • Request samples of their past work
  • Get details on their audience demographics

Joran Hofman, founder of Reditus, says:

"At the very basic, your affiliate partners should have access to your ICP, otherwise it doesn't make sense to work with them."

Check Affiliate Identities and Websites

Don't take their word for it:

  • Use tools like Reditus Recruit to verify traffic claims
  • Check their social media presence and engagement
  • Look for red flags like spammy content or fake followers

Set Clear Rules

Spell out the dos and don'ts:

Allowed Not Allowed
Blog posts Cookie stuffing
Social media promotion Typosquatting
Email marketing Click fraud
Video content Lead fraud

Make affiliates sign an agreement outlining these rules.

Set Performance Goals

Tell affiliates what you expect:

  • Set minimum monthly traffic or lead targets
  • Establish quality standards for content
  • Define conversion rate expectations

Use a tiered system:

1. Newbie: Lower commissions, stricter oversight

2. Proven: Higher commissions, more freedom

3. VIP: Top rates, exclusive perks

Step 2: Use Good Tracking and Analysis Tools

To catch affiliate fraud, you need to keep a close eye on your affiliates. Here's how:

Pick Strong Tracking Software

Choose a tool that shows you exactly what your affiliates are doing:

  • Rewardful: $49/month to start. Catches self-referrals and gives real-time reports.
  • FirstPromoter: Also $49/month. Helps spot shady leads.

Both work with Stripe, making it easy to track subscription sales.

Watch Your KPIs

Keep tabs on these numbers:

KPI What It Shows
Sales per affiliate Who's bringing in customers
Year-over-year growth Overall program performance
% of affiliate sales vs. total sales Affiliate program impact

Check Traffic and Conversion Patterns

Odd patterns often mean fraud. Use Google Analytics to spot:

  • Sudden traffic spikes
  • Too-good-to-be-true conversion rates
  • Traffic from weird places

Look for Red Flags

Watch out for:

  • New affiliates with amazing performance
  • Lots of sales but few clicks
  • Many chargebacks or refunds from one affiliate

If you see these, investigate further.

"The first step is to keep track of traffic quality. Make sure your system allows you to log affiliate IDs, and that you get an accurate view of how many of the users they bring." - SEON

Step 3: Use Fraud Detection Tools

Catching fraudsters requires smart tools. Here's what you need to know:

Types of Fraud Detection Tools

SaaS companies have several options:

Tool Type Purpose
Real-time monitors Spot suspicious activity instantly
IP checkers Identify unusual locations or multiple accounts
Behavior analyzers Detect odd user patterns

Real-Time Monitoring Systems

These tools are your 24/7 watchdogs. They can:

  • Alert you to traffic spikes
  • Flag high conversion rates
  • Spot multiple signups from one IP

Spider AF's Affiliate Protection, for example, uses AI to block fake traffic and click injection on the spot.

IP and Location Checking

This method helps you identify:

  • Clicks from unexpected countries
  • Multiple accounts from one IP
  • Suspicious VPN usage

Pro tip: Check IP addresses for all sales and leads weekly. Look for weird patterns.

Behavior Analysis Tools

These tools spot:

  • Bots masquerading as humans
  • Fake accounts using stolen IDs
  • Unusual clicking or signup patterns
"In 2022, $35.7 billion of ad spend was lost to fake and fraudulent web traffic, with one in ten website visitors found to be inauthentic." - SEON

Protect your SaaS business:

1. Use web analytics to monitor traffic patterns

2. Set up alerts for unusual spikes or drops

3. Investigate any affiliate with sudden amazing results


Step 4: Create Fraud Prevention Policies

Want to stop fraud before it starts? You need a solid game plan. Here's how to build one:

Form a Fraud Prevention Team

Get a group together to focus on fraud. Mix it up with people from marketing, finance, and IT. They'll be your fraud-fighting squad.

Make a Fraud Response Plan

Create a playbook for when fraud pops up. Include:

  • Who's the first call
  • How to document fishy stuff
  • When to bring in the legal eagles
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." - Benjamin Franklin

Old Ben was onto something. Without a plan, you're asking for trouble when fraud hits.

Keep Tabs on Affiliate Accounts

Don't just set and forget. Watch those affiliates like a hawk:

  • Check traffic patterns weekly
  • Look for weird sales or click spikes
  • Peek at affiliate websites monthly

Use a Tiered Commission System

Smart commission structures can help keep fraudsters at bay. Here's a simple example:

Level Sales Commission
Bronze 0-10 5%
Silver 11-50 7%
Gold 51+ 10%

This setup rewards the good guys and makes it harder for scammers to make a quick buck.

Tips for Ongoing Fraud Prevention

Stopping affiliate fraud isn't a one-time deal. It's a constant process. Here's how to keep your fraud prevention game strong:

Talk to Affiliates Often

Build strong relationships with your affiliates. Set up regular check-ins to discuss their strategies and any issues. This helps you spot potential fraud early.

Helen Kinson, Shopify's affiliate program manager, says:

"Our monthly calls with top affiliates have helped us catch unusual traffic patterns twice in the past year, saving us thousands in potential fraudulent commissions."

Learn About New Fraud Tricks

Fraudsters are always cooking up new scams. Stay informed by:

  • Following industry blogs and forums
  • Attending fraud prevention webinars
  • Joining SaaS affiliate marketing groups on LinkedIn

Update Your Strategies Regularly

What worked before might not work now. Review and update your fraud prevention tactics quarterly. This keeps you ahead of new threats.

Review Frequency Actions
Weekly Check traffic patterns and conversion rates
Monthly Analyze affiliate performance and payouts
Quarterly Update fraud detection rules and tools

Team Up with Other SaaS Companies

Join forces with other businesses to share knowledge. The SaaS Affiliate Fraud Prevention Network (SAFPN) is a great example. Founded in 2021, it now has over 50 members sharing fraud prevention tips and data.

Zendesk, a member company, reports:

"Since joining SAFPN, we've cut our fraud rate by 30%. The shared blacklist of known fraudsters has been a game-changer for us."


Affiliate fraud is costing SaaS companies big time. In 2022, fake traffic burned through $35.7 billion in ad spend. Here's how to shield your business:

  1. Screen affiliates like a pro

Don't just auto-approve. Check their online presence and brand fit. Set clear rules from the start.

  1. Track and analyze like a hawk

Keep a close eye on your program stats. Look out for:

  • Traffic spikes out of nowhere
  • Tons of transactions from one IP
  • Conversion rates that seem too good to be true
  1. Use smart fraud detection

Get software that watches:

  • IP addresses and locations
  • How users behave
  • Where traffic comes from
  1. Build a fraud-fighting playbook
What to Do Why It Matters
Form a fraud team Dedicated eyes on the problem
Create a response plan Know what to do when fraud hits
Check accounts regularly Catch weird stuff early
Reward trusted affiliates Higher rates for the good guys

Fraud prevention isn't a one-and-done deal. Stay on top of new scams, update your game plan, and team up with other SaaS companies.

"Regular check-ins with affiliates helped us catch unusual traffic patterns twice in one year, saving thousands." - Helen Kinson, Shopify


How do you detect affiliate fraud?

Keep a close eye on your program's performance. Watch for these red flags:

  • New affiliates with sky-high performance
  • Sudden referral spikes
  • Data mismatches
  • Weird transaction patterns

Marjorie Hajim, SEO Manager for EMEA at RingCentral, says:

"Monitor your program regularly. Look for suspicious behavior like high performance from new affiliates, sudden referral spikes, data mismatches, or unusual transaction patterns."

Quick fraud-spotting checklist:

Warning Sign What to Look For
Traffic Spikes Unexplained referral jumps
Conversion Rates Too-good-to-be-true rates
Click Patterns Multiple clicks from one IP
Affiliate History Newbies outshining veterans

Heads up: Affiliate fraud is growing. In 2022, fake traffic gobbled up 17% of affiliate traffic, costing businesses $3.4 billion. That's up from 10% in 2020.

To stay ahead:

1. Check program stats often

2. Use tracking software for weird patterns

3. Investigate odd behavior ASAP

4. Team up with other SaaS companies to share scam info

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