7 A/B Testing Examples for Startups [2024]

Explore 7 impactful A/B testing examples that helped startups enhance user experience and increase conversions effectively.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 6 min read
7 A/B Testing Examples for Startups [2024]

A/B testing helps startups make data-driven decisions to improve user experience and boost conversion rates. Here are 7 real-world examples:

  1. Website Design: Trainual saw 450% more free trial signups with an interactive demo
  2. CTA Buttons: Artsy Editor increased clickthroughs by 47% with above-the-fold placement
  3. Email Campaigns: Dropbox boosted open rates by 84% with personalized emails
  4. Pricing Options: Shopify increased conversions by 21% by removing transaction fees
  5. User Onboarding: Appcues saw 367% higher conversions with guided installation
  6. Product Features: Monzo increased daily active users by 15% with a "Quick Actions" menu
  7. Ad Campaigns: Databricks doubled click-through and conversion rates with upfront event details
Example Company Test Change Key Result
Website Design Trainual Interactive demo 450% more signups
CTA Buttons Artsy Editor Above-the-fold placement 47% more clickthroughs
Email Campaigns Dropbox Personalized content 84% higher open rates
Pricing Options Shopify Removed transaction fees 21% higher conversions
User Onboarding Appcues Guided installation 367% more conversions
Product Features Monzo "Quick Actions" menu 15% more daily users
Ad Campaigns Databricks Upfront event details 2x higher CTR and conversions

What is A/B Testing for Startups?

A/B testing is like running a mini-experiment for your business. You create two versions of something, show each to half your audience, and see which performs better.

Here's how it works:

  1. Make two versions (A and B) of a webpage, email, etc.
  2. Split your audience randomly
  3. Measure which version gets better results

Startups often test things like:

  • Website design
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Email subject lines
  • Pricing options
  • Product features

Each test has four parts:

Component Description
Goal What you want to improve
Change The difference between A and B
Control group People who see the original
Test group People who see the new version

A/B testing can lead to big wins, but not all tests succeed. Booking.com runs about 25,000 tests per year, with only 10% showing positive results. The key is to learn from every test.

"A/B testing gives companies the gift of choice, an open mind, and, most importantly, real growth."

To start A/B testing:

  1. Choose what to test
  2. Create a clear hypothesis
  3. Make small, measurable changes
  4. Use the right tools
  5. Analyze results and apply what you learn

Example 1: Testing Website Design

Trainual wanted more free trial signups. They tested:

  • Version A: Standard landing page
  • Version B: New page with interactive demo

Results after 30 days:

Metric Improvement
Free trial signups +450%
Users reaching activated trial status (7 days) +100%
Users converting to paid customers (7 days) +175%

The interactive demo helped users understand Trainual's value quickly, leading to more signups and faster conversions.

"The interactive demo was a game-changer for us. It allowed users to experience our product's benefits firsthand, which led to a huge boost in conversions." - Chris Ronzio, CEO of Trainual

Key takeaways:

  1. Show, don't tell: Let users interact with your product early
  2. Focus on the "aha moment": Highlight main benefits quickly
  3. Track multiple metrics: Look beyond initial signups

Example 2: Testing Call-to-Action Buttons

Artsy Editor tested two landing page versions:

  • Version A: CTA buttons below the fold
  • Version B: Clear headline and simple CTA right beneath it

Results after 30 days:

Metric Improvement
Clickthroughs to pricing page +47%

Key takeaways:

  1. Place important CTAs above the fold
  2. Use clear, benefit-oriented headlines
  3. Keep CTA design simple and focused

The Obama campaign also tested CTA button text:

Version CTA Text Result
A "SIGN UP" Baseline
B "LEARN MORE" +40.6% sign-up rate

This change led to an extra $60 million in donations.

"The words you use in your call-to-action can have a huge impact on your conversion rates. Always test different variations to find what resonates best with your audience." - Chris Goward, founder of WiderFunnel

To run effective CTA tests:

  1. Test one element at a time
  2. Gather enough data for statistical significance
  3. Look beyond clicks to measure impact on final conversions

Example 3: Testing Email Campaigns

Dropbox tested two email series:

  • Version A: Standard welcome emails
  • Version B: Personalized emails based on user behavior

Results after 60 days:

Metric Version A Version B Improvement
Open Rate 21% 38.71% +84.3%
Click-Through Rate 1.29% 3.1% +140.3%
Conversion Rate 0.08% 0.16% +100%
"By focusing on personalized email content, we saw a dramatic increase in user engagement. This test proved that understanding and addressing individual user needs is crucial for startup growth." - Drew Houston, CEO of Dropbox

To run effective email tests:

  1. Segment your audience
  2. Craft compelling subject lines
  3. Make your CTA clear and prominent
  4. Ensure emails are mobile-responsive
  5. A/B test regularly to refine your approach

Example 4: Testing Pricing Options

Shopify tested two pricing versions:

  • Version A: Standard pricing with transaction fees
  • Version B: No transaction fees for Shopify Payments users

Results after 30 days:

Metric Version A Version B Change
Conversion Rate 1.9% 2.3% +21%
ARPU $50 $62 +24%
CLV $1,200 $1,560 +30%
"By aligning our pricing with customer success, we saw a win-win scenario. Merchants saved money, processed more transactions, and stayed with us longer." - Tobi Lütke, CEO of Shopify

To run effective pricing tests:

  1. Define clear goals
  2. Segment your market
  3. Test different models
  4. Monitor short-term and long-term metrics
  5. Gather customer feedback

Example 5: Testing User Onboarding

Appcues tested two onboarding flows:

  • Segment A: Standard flow
  • Segment B: Personalized paths based on user intent


Metric Segment A Segment B Change
Users choosing to explore 49% 51% +2%
Conversion rate (explorers) 1x 1x No change
Conversion rate (guided install) 1x 4.67x +367%
"Our biggest takeaway was that most new trialers want to explore on their own (49% to be exact). But that segment was also the least likely to convert to an opportunity." - Meg Gowell, Director of Growth at Appcues

To run effective onboarding tests:

  1. Offer different paths based on user intent
  2. Use welcome surveys for personalization
  3. Implement checklists for key features
  4. Monitor short-term and long-term metrics
  5. Iterate based on user behavior and feedback

Example 6: Testing Product Features

Monzo tested a new "Quick Actions" menu:

  • Variant A: Existing app interface
  • Variant B: New interface with "Quick Actions" menu

Results after 30 days:

Metric Variant A Variant B Change
Daily active users 100,000 115,000 +15%
Avg. time in app 5 minutes 7 minutes +40%
Transactions per user 2.5 3.2 +28%

Key takeaways:

  1. Small changes can have a big impact on user behavior
  2. Testing features before full launch helps avoid issues
  3. User engagement can improve through thoughtful updates

To run effective feature tests:

  1. Focus on top-of-funnel metrics
  2. Create a clear process for tests and hypotheses
  3. Use low-risk "pellet" experiments
  4. Monitor short-term and long-term user behavior

Example 7: Testing Ad Campaigns

Databricks tested LinkedIn Message Ads:

  • Variants A & B: Opened with a question
  • Variant C: Included hyperlink and event details upfront


Metric All Variants Variant C
Open rate > 70% > 70%
CTR Baseline 2x higher
Conversions Baseline 2x higher
"The open rates of all the Message Ads variations were over 70%. However, CTR and conversions for the third variant were around 2x higher than the other two versions." - Databricks case study

To run effective ad tests:

  1. Focus on one variable at a time
  2. Use clear metrics to measure success
  3. Give tests enough time for meaningful data
  4. Apply insights quickly to improve campaigns

How to Run Good A/B Tests in Startups

Tips for better tests:

  1. Start with a clear hypothesis
  2. Focus on one variable
  3. Consider mobile users
  4. Run tests long enough
  5. Document everything

Mistakes to avoid:

Common Mistake How to Avoid It
Small sample sizes Ensure enough participants for significance
Ending tests too early Let tests run their full course
Ignoring mobile traffic Check how tests appear on mobile
Testing too many variables Focus on one element per test
Generalizing results Remember context matters

Helpful tools:

  1. Crazy Egg: Heatmaps and visual analytics
  2. VWO: A/B, split URL, and multivariate testing
  3. Optimizely: Experimentation and personalization
"The goal of A/B testing is to drive real business impact — make sure you can measure that impact!" - Ryan Lucht, Experimentation Consultant


A/B testing helps startups grow smarter. It increases sign-ups, sales, and user engagement while reducing risks.

Real-world wins:

Company Test Result
Human Interest Landing page optimization 3.77% more form submissions, 74.84% more scheduled calls
Hush Blankets Cart and product page revamp 5.67% higher conversion rate, 51.32% more revenue
Brex Landing page headline change 40% increase in booked demos
"VWO is an incredibly user-friendly and powerful testing platform that has helped us optimize our website and increase conversions." - Alex A., mid-market professional

To start A/B testing:

  1. Pick a suitable tool
  2. Set clear goals and focus on one change at a time
  3. Run tests long enough for solid results
  4. Learn from both wins and losses

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