7 Principles for Designing High-Converting Referral Incentives

Learn the 7 principles for designing effective referral incentives for SaaS and digital products. Understand your audience, balance value and cost, choose the right incentive type, reward both referrer and new customer, make clear offers, time your offers well, and continuously test and improve.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 8 min read
7 Principles for Designing High-Converting Referral Incentives

Here's a quick guide to creating effective referral incentives for your SaaS or digital product:

  1. Know your audience
  2. Balance value and cost
  3. Choose the right incentive type
  4. Reward both referrer and new customer
  5. Make your offer clear
  6. Time your offers well
  7. Test and improve continuously
Principle Key Action
1. Audience Analyze customer data
2. Value-Cost Consider CAC, AOV, CLV
3. Incentive Type Match to business model
4. Two-Sided Rewards Split benefits fairly
5. Clear Offer Use simple language
6. Timing Ask at peak satisfaction
7. Testing Monitor metrics, iterate

These principles help you design referral incentives that drive growth, increase user acquisition, and boost customer loyalty for your tech startup.

1. Know Your Audience

To make good referral rewards, you need to understand your customers. This helps you create a program that works well and gets more people to join.

Look at Customer Information

Use data tools to learn about your customers. Find out:

  • Who they are
  • What they like
  • How they act

Look for patterns to help you know your best customers and what they want.

Pick Rewards Your Customers Like

Once you know your customers, choose rewards they'll want. Here's a table showing what different groups might like:

Customer Group Reward They Might Like
Young Workers Special access to new products
Health Fans Discounts on healthy items
Tech Lovers Try new features before others

Giving rewards that fit what your customers care about will make more people join your program.

Ask Customers What They Want

Make short surveys to learn more about what your customers like. Here are some tips:

  • Keep questions short and about the referral program
  • Use yes/no and open questions
  • Give a small reward for filling out the survey
  • Ask about what rewards they want and how they'd like to refer friends

This feedback helps you make your program better for your customers.

2. Find the Right Value-Cost Balance

Balancing incentive value and program costs is key for a good referral program. Here's how to do it:

Figure Out the Best Incentive Value

To set the right incentive value, look at these numbers:

Metric What It Means How to Use It
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Cost to get a new customer Keep incentive below this
Average Order Value (AOV) Average amount customers spend Match incentive to this
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Total value of a customer over time Offer more for high-value customers

Factor in Customer Lifetime Value

Referred customers are often worth more. A study shows they have a 25% higher profit margin. Use this info to set better rewards:

  1. Find your average CLV
  2. Multiply it by 1.25
  3. Use this new number to plan your rewards

For example: If your CLV is $500, referred customers might be worth $625 ($500 x 1.25). This means you can offer bigger rewards.

Build Lasting Reward Systems

Make your program work well for a long time:

Reward Type How It Works Example
Tiered Rewards More referrals = Better rewards 1-3 referrals: $10 credit
4-6 referrals: $20 credit + 1 month free
7+ referrals: $30 credit + 2 months free + extra features
Conditional Rewards Rewards based on referred customer actions Bonus for long-term subscribers
Diverse Options Different types of rewards Mix of discounts, credits, and special features

3. Pick the Best Incentive Type

Choosing good rewards is key for a successful referral program. Let's look at different options and how they fit various businesses.

Types of Incentives

Here are some common rewards for referral programs:

Incentive Type Description
Cash Money given for successful referrals
Discounts Money off future purchases
Free time Extra access to premium features
Account credit Money added to user accounts
Gift cards Cards for other stores
Better features Access to higher-level services
Tiered rewards More benefits for more referrals

Each type of reward can be changed to fit your customers and business.

Good and Bad Points of Incentives

Here's a table comparing different rewards:

Reward Type Good Points Bad Points
Cash Everyone likes it, feels good right away Can cost a lot, might attract low-quality leads
Discounts Makes people buy again, easy to do Might make product seem less valuable
Free time Shows off best features, builds loyalty Not great for users who already have everything
Account credit Flexible, keeps people using the product Not good for people who don't use it much
Gift cards Feels like a gift, can work with other companies Not specific to your brand, might be misused
Better features Makes using the product better, builds loyalty Can be hard to keep track of and give out
Tiered rewards Makes people want to refer more, feels like a game Can be hard to manage and explain

Picking the Right Rewards

To choose good rewards for your program:

1. Match your business: Pick rewards that go well with what you sell. For example, Trello gives free time on their product, which shows off their best features.

2. Think about your customers: Choose rewards your customers will like. If they want choices, account credit or cash might work better than set discounts.

3. Balance cost and value: Make sure the reward is good enough to make people refer, but not too expensive for you. Think about rewarding both the referrer and the new customer.

4. Keep it simple: Choose rewards that are easy to understand and use. Complicated rewards can make people not want to join.

5. Try and improve: Start with one or two types of rewards and see how they work. Test different options to make your program better over time.

4. Reward Both Sides

Programs that reward both the person who refers and the new customer are becoming more common. They work well because they make everyone happy and help businesses grow faster.

Why Two-Sided Rewards Work Well

These programs are good because:

  1. More people want to join
  2. The program grows faster
  3. People trust it more
  4. More new customers sign up

Make Everyone Happy

To create good rewards for both sides:

  1. Give choices
  2. Make rewards worth it
  3. Match rewards to your product
  4. Keep it easy to understand

Here's an example of how to split rewards:

Who Gets It Discount Account Money Free Time Gift Card
Referrer 20% off $50 1 month $100
New Customer 15% off $25 2 weeks $50

Split Rewards Fairly

To decide how much to give each person:

  1. Think about how much a customer is worth over time
  2. Make sure you're not spending too much
  3. Try different ways of splitting the rewards
  4. Change rewards based on what you sell and how often people buy

5. Make Your Offer Clear

Clear messages help your referral program work better. When people understand your offer easily, more join in and more new customers sign up. Here's how to make your referral offer easy to get:

Write Simple Messages

When you write about your referral offer:

  • Keep it short: Use easy words and short sentences.
  • Focus on the main point: Put the offer front and center.
  • Be friendly: Write like you're talking to a friend.
  • Use names when you can: Add the referrer's name to make it personal.

Here's a good example:

"Hi [Friend's Name], I think you'd like [Product Name]. Use my link to get 20% off your first buy. I'll get $10 too!"

Show What People Get

To get more people to join, clearly show what they'll get:

  • Say what the rewards are: Tell both the referrer and new customer what they'll get.
  • Use numbers: Say exactly how much discount or credit people will get.
  • Tell why your product is good: Explain why someone should tell their friends about it.
  • Add time limits: This can make people act faster.

Here's a table showing what people get:

Referrer Gets New Customer Gets
$30 credit 20% off first buy
1 month free 14 days to try for free
Special access Help when they need it

Make It Easy to Use

When your referral program is easy to use, more people will join in:

  • Make sharing simple: People should find their referral link quickly.
  • Use clear buttons: Label them with words like "Invite Friends" or "Share Now".
  • Give choices for sharing: Let people share on social media, email, or with a link.
  • Add pictures to help: Use small icons to show people what to do.
  • Show progress: Let people see how close they are to getting rewards.

6. Time Your Offers Well

Good timing can make your referral program work better. Here's how to ask for referrals at the right time and keep people interested.

When to Ask for Referrals

Ask for referrals when customers are happy with your product. Good times include:

When to Ask Why It's Good
Right after buying People are excited about their new purchase
After using the product Customers know how the product helps them
After good feedback You know they like the product
When they reach goals They've seen how the product works well

Keep Users Interested

To make sure people don't get tired of your referral program:

1. Use different ways to tell them about it (email, app messages, account pages) 2. Run special offers at certain times of the year 3. Make some offers only last for a short time 4. Give better rewards to people who refer more often

Target Based on User Stage

Change your referral offers based on how long someone has been a customer:

User Type What to Do
New Users Tell them about the referral program when they start
Regular Users Remind them about referrals when they use your product
Top Users Give them special referral offers
Users About to Leave Use referrals to try and keep them, maybe with better rewards

7. Test and Improve

Testing and improving your referral rewards helps your program work better. By looking at data and making smart choices, you can make your referral plan work well.

Try Different Options

Testing different rewards helps you find out what your customers like best. Here's how to do good tests:

  1. Change one thing at a time
  2. Know what you want to achieve
  3. Test with enough people
  4. Run tests for 2-4 weeks
  5. Look closely at the results

Here's an example of a test:

Test Friend Gets Referrer Gets What Happened
A 25% off $75 off 26% more shares, 16% more sign-ups
B 20% off $100 off Didn't work as well as A

Watch Important Numbers

Keep an eye on these numbers to see how well your program is doing:

Number to Watch What It Means
Referral rate How many customers tell others
Participation rate How many customers join the program
Conversion rate How many referred people become customers
Customer value How much money referred customers bring in
Cost to get customers How much you spend to get new customers
Customer happiness score How likely customers are to recommend you

Always Try to Do Better

To keep making your referral rewards better:

  1. Look at your data often
  2. See what other companies are doing
  3. Try new types of rewards
  4. Ask customers what they think
  5. Give different rewards to different groups of customers


Review of the 7 Principles

  1. Know Your Audience
  2. Find the Right Value-Cost Balance
  3. Pick the Best Incentive Type
  4. Reward Both Sides
  5. Make Your Offer Clear
  6. Time Your Offers Well
  7. Test and Improve

Keep Improving Your Incentives

To keep your referral program working well, you need to check and update it often. Here's how to do that:

  1. Look at Numbers: Check how your program is doing by looking at:
What to Check What It Means
Referral rate How many customers tell others
Participation rate How many customers join the program
Conversion rate How many referred people become customers
Customer value How much money referred customers bring in
  1. Watch What Others Do: Look at what other companies offer to make sure your rewards are good.
  2. Ask Customers: Find out what customers think about your program. Use short surveys or talk to them directly.
  3. Try New Things: Test different types of rewards. You could try:
    • Giving more rewards for more referrals
    • Offering special rewards for a short time
    • Making the program feel like a game
  4. Change Rewards for Different People: Give different rewards to new customers and long-time users. This helps make everyone happy.


What are the incentives for referral program?

Referral programs often use these rewards:

Product Type Common Incentives
Online stores Discounts, free shipping
High-cost items Cash rewards
Subscriptions Free month or box

The best reward depends on what you sell and how customers buy. For example, Trello gives a free month of their premium plan (Trello Gold) for referrals. This lets users try premium features and might make them want to upgrade.

What are the rewards for referral program?

Here are common referral rewards:

Reward Type Examples
Money Cash, gift cards, store credit
Discounts Percent off, free shipping
Products Free items or services
Special access Early use of new features, VIP status
Company items T-shirts, mugs with company logo

The best reward often depends on who your customers are and how your business works. For example, Dropbox gives extra storage space as a reward. This works well because it's directly tied to what Dropbox offers.

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