How to Set Terms and Conditions For Customer Referral Programs?
Whether it’s an affiliate partnership or a customer-centric campaign, no referral program functions best without a legal document binding organizations and users on the rules and obligations they must adhere to.

Abdul Wahab

Word of mouth has been helping businesses establish credibility and acquire new customers at the behest of existing ones. Unlike mainstream marketing, which uses digital channels to advertise a business, referral programs enroll existing customers as partners to create awareness in the prospects.
Sometimes, you need more than the customers’ trust and goodwill to foster healthy, long-term relationships. Whether it’s an affiliate partnership or a customer-centric campaign, no referral program functions best without a legal document binding organizations and users on the rules and obligations they must adhere to.
On the digital landscape, that legally binding document is referred to as Terms and Conditions. As a SaaS startup or retailer operating online, it’s crucial to have a terms and condition template drafted out with niche-specific provisions to protect your and your customer’s legal rights. This article outlines all you should know to create terms and conditions for your referral program.
What is a Terms and Conditions Agreement?
“Terms and Conditions” is a legally binding document that governs a contractual relationship between a service provider and its users. On the web, the document is often called a “terms of service” or “terms of use,” marking the code of conduct between parties involved in the contract.
In the context of referral programs, a Terms and Conditions agreement is a legal contract that outlines the guidelines, obligations, and rights that govern the participation of individuals in the program.
Customers need to understand their rights and obligations when signing up as an affiliate partner for a joint venture or brand advocate for an enterprise. A terms and condition manifesto works in two ways;
- Businesses provide products and services to their customers or offer a series of incentives for fulfilling different tasks.
- Customers must abide by the company's guidelines and regulations in exchange for using the services and availing of rewards.
The agreement establishes a formal association between the company running the program and the participants, outlining the terms under which referrals are made, rewards are earned, and any limitations that may apply.
A referral program terms and conditions charter typically includes provisions related to eligibility criteria, referral process, incentives or rewards, guidelines, and restrictions for enrolling in the program.
Why is Setting Terms and Conditions for Referral Program Important?
While organizations are not legally bound to establish terms and conditions, it’s still wise to set out guidelines dictating customer-business relationships.
Every transaction we make, whether it’s purchasing groceries at an e-commerce store or renting a car for intra-city travel, is governed by a contract. The agreement binds users to pay an ‘x’ amount in exchange for a product or service and dictates businesses provide value for money.
Referral programs are inherently transactional - you’re offering commissions and rewards in return for acquiring referrals - making terms and conditions contract strictly necessary. While it may seem like a typical give-or-take transaction, the details of the referral program are much more intricate.
Having clear and well-defined terms and conditions is important for several reasons.
Clarity and Transparency
A terms and conditions contract extends clarity to referrers regarding the rules and expectations of the referral program. By clearly outlining the eligibility criteria, referral process, rewards, and restrictions, customers have a comprehensive view of how the program works. Keeping the process transparent helps foster trust and ensures that participants are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Legal Protection
A terms and conditions agreement is a legal safeguard for the company running the referral program. Drawing vivid guidelines for the program enables companies to defend against potential disputes, conflicts, or legal challenges that may arise from the program. It defines the rights and limitations of both parties, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings or disagreements.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Referral programs, like any other marketing initiative, are subject to various laws and regulations, such as consumer protection and data privacy laws. Terms and conditions enable the company to outline compliance requirements and ensure that the program adheres to applicable legal frameworks. Abiding by the contract prevents companies from potential legal consequences and maintains a reputable and ethical business operation.
Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Customer Referral Program Terms and Conditions
Before we dive into your referral program's terms and conditions drafting process, weigh your options. There are several ways to create a terms and conditions agreement, depending on your expertise and business niche:
- Manually writing the terms and conditions contract from scratch.
- Filling a terms and conditions referral agreement template with your business description.
- Using an automated terms and conditions generator to outline niche-specific clauses.
- Here’s a quick walkthrough of six key steps you must follow to create a foolproof terms and conditions charter:
Research Applicable Laws
Be clear about the country or state laws that govern your business model and the contract between your customers. Usually, it’s the laws of the state or country where you’ve registered your company.
If you’ve registered your company in the US, which deals with food, drugs, or cosmetics, you must comply with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. When shopping from H&M, customers attest to the fact that New York's jurisdiction governs their agreement with the company.

Research any legal requirements or regulations that may apply to your referral program. Identifying applicable laws will ensure your terms and conditions are guarded under specific acts, such as data protection and consumer protection regulations.
Draw an Outline of the Agreement
Once you know what laws and clauses dictate your business model, you can start laying the foundation of your agreement. Outlining the terms and conditions in advance helps you structure the document correctly, ensuring all necessary aspects are covered. It organizes the content into logical sections and subsections, facilitating readers to locate any specific information.
Pick Clauses Relevant to Your Business
Research governing law clauses to identify key provisions that align with your program’s terms and conditions. The right clause depends on your niche, the audience you cater to, and the services you offer.
Prefer consulting legal professionals to ensure that the selected clauses are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations of your region. Sometimes, you may need to tailor these clauses to reflect the unique aspects of your referral program.
Outline the Referral Process
The purpose of a terms and conditions contract is to define how existing customers can participate in a referral program. Clearly outline the process referrers need to follow to submit their referrals and the criteria referred customers must meet for the referral to be considered valid.
Elaborate on your referral tracking process. Describe the system or technology you’ve employed to track each referral while maintaining the credibility and transparency of the program.
Link Your Privacy Policy
Privacy policies educate how you, as a business, process, store, and share personally identifiable information (PII) of your customers. Companies that operate in digital ecosystems are adopting stringent confidentiality measures while keeping consumers updated on the latest developments.
Instead of re-writing your program guidelines and limitations in the terms and conditions document, attach the link to your pre-established privacy policies. So when participants consent to your terms and conditions agreement, they also agree to abide by your privacy policy.
Publish and Communicate
Publish the latest version of your terms and conditions charter on your website and other relevant platforms. Communicate any updates or changes you’ve made in the program and ensure it’s easily accessible to the consumers. The terms and conditions document must be in plain sight for users to access and review before registering for the program to prevent future disputes.
10 Clauses of Affiliate Referral Program Terms and Conditions
The purpose of setting terms and conditions as part of your referral program is to maintain transparency and efficiency, discourage fraudulent activities, and reward good affiliates that value your program.
To fulfill the objective, it’s crucial to lay out your provisions in a way that’s visible and easily understood. Experts suggest keeping the document concise enough to promote reading and using clear, descriptive language that’s easily understood. Let’s look at X clauses most commonly used in referral program terms and conditions agreements.
An introduction sets the tone, provides an overview, and highlights the document's significance. It serves as the initial point of engagement for the readers, offering them a vague overview of what they should expect in the document. Companies often leverage the foreword section to emphasize why customers must adhere to the terms and conditions of the program.
Begin with an engaging opening that captures participants' attention and sparks their interest. Provide a brief and concise overview of the program, including its purpose, key features, and any unique aspects that set it apart from other programs. Emphasize that document’s value for customers, outlining the rules, responsibilities, and expectations for participation in the program.
Spotify writes the introduction to their terms and conditions agreement as follows:

Unlike general paragraphs of text, corporate language uses a bit of complex, technical language that’s vividly evident in the terms and conditions agreement. Definitions ensure that participants understand the specific meanings of important terms in the agreement, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or misinterpretations.
Pinpoint technical jargon and legal terminologies in the text that may need an explanation to create uniform understanding for everyone.
Maintain consistency in the use of defined terms throughout the entire agreement. Cross-reference the definitions within the relevant terms and conditions agreement sections to provide clarity and simplify interpretation. Here’s how Fiverr explains definitions of frequently used technical terms.

Date of Effect
Often referred to as effective date, it signifies the date your terms and conditions agreement came into effect. In case you revise the document or make any amends in the clauses, set the date to when it was last updated on. Amazon labels its agreement with “last updated,” denoting the latest revision.

Some companies also include a separate clause stating “Changes to the Agreement” to assert their right to change or update the provisions as deemed fit by the developers. Check out Electronic Arts (EA) as an example:

Referral Program Overview
With the introduction finalized and definitions explained, the referral program overview highlights why customers must enroll in the campaign. It explains the program’s purpose, benefits, and key features, motivating participants to engage actively and spread the word to their friends.
A well-summarized overview help customers understand how the program works, what they can expect, and the potential benefits they might gain by participating.
When writing the overview, provide a brief but informative description of the referral program. Focus on the process, eligibility criteria, and any limitations or restrictions participants should know.
Clearly articulate the program's value proposition or key incentive that may entice users to register. HostGator writes its online affiliate program overview as follows:

Every referral terms and conditions agreement sets a compliance cause outlining users’ responsibilities, obligations, and code of conduct on the platform. The provision ensures all referral-bound activities operate within legal and ethical boundaries.
By outlining compliance requirements, businesses can mitigate potential risks associated with fraudulent or unethical behavior. This defends a company against legal liabilities, reputation damage, and financial losses that may arise from non-compliant actions by participants.
Start by establishing a code of conduct for participants to comply with when participating in the program. While outlining expected behaviors, state actions prohibited under law, and the company’s ethical conduct. To prevent spamming and deceptive acts, encourage participants to report any suspected non-compliance or violations they become aware of. Okta’s compliance clause is laid out as:

Program Guidelines and Restrictions
Every business with a digital footing must have a set of rules guiding its customers and employees for healthy interaction. Without proper guidelines and limitations in place, companies expose themselves to unwanted liabilities.
Businesses must elaborate on how the program works, identify eligible advocates, describe the referral process, pinpoint qualified referrals, and determine rewards. By instating rules and limitations, you create a level playing field where all participants have equal opportunities to benefit from the program.
Not to mention, users will have realistic expectations from the program in terms of rewards, timelines, and redemption processes. Casper’s customer referral agreement features program guidelines in detail.

Intellectual Property and Branding
In the hypercompetitive digital landscape, intellectual property rights serve as intangible assets that give your business recognition, credibility, and competition advantage against rival brands. Educate your end-users that all trademarks, copyrights, and logos are protected under certain terms and conditions.
Addressing intellectual property and branding in the terms and conditions agreement ensures compliance with relevant intellectual property laws and regulations. Inform participants that they have no rights or claims to these intellectual property assets or marketing materials and may only use them as expressly authorized.
State the potential consequences of non-compliance with the guidelines, which could include disqualification from the referral program or legal action ingrained in intellectual property laws. Apple writes the clause in its iTunes terms and conditions agreement as follows:

Termination and Modification
Reinforce your right to take strict action when end users ignore or abuse the clauses and codes of conduct outlined in your terms and conditions agreement. Most companies reserve the right to delete someone’s account or impose a permanent ban with full force and effect in case of any violation.
Outline the circumstances under which the program may be terminated or modified to safeguard your interest. Including the clause allows your company to adapt the referral program to evolving business needs and respond to market dynamics. When writing the termination and modification clause:
- Specify the notice period you will provide users in the event of termination and specify their post-termination obligations.
- Include a clause stating that termination or modifications to the referral program do not constitute retaliation against participants.
- Reiterate your commitment to treating participants fairly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Seek legal advice to ensure that the termination and modification in your agreement comply with applicable state laws.
Fiverr sets its term and termination clause as:

Dispute Resolution
As your company expands its service genre and caters to a broader audience, conflicts, and disputes may arise over time. Writing a dispute resolution clause in your terms and service prevents conflicts from escalating into costly and time-consuming legal proceedings, saving both parties time, money, and resources.
Prefer resolving any disputes amicably through mediation and negotiation without involving third parties. But if it falls through, instate arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses to reach a solution.
Limitation of Liability
Participants can only hold you accountable for what you are liable for. Although you can’t legally bargain out of all liability, you can certainly limit your liability. Adding a limitation of liability clause in your terms and conditions contract clarifies the extent of your responsibility to indemnify for any damages or losses incurred due to a data breach.
A well-crafted limitation of liability clause safeguards against excessive claims or demands from program participants and reduces the likelihood of protracted legal disputes.
Sometimes regional laws can hold companies accountable for liability in cases of willful misconduct, gross negligence, or violations of applicable laws.
Use clear and concise language to define the maximum liability amount your company will be responsible for. Specify the types of excluded damages, such as indirect, consequential, or punitive damages. This clause from Hubspot points out the company’s limitation of liability explicitly.

Closing Note
Setting terms and conditions for your referral program can be challenging, especially if you’re taking the DIY route. While the step-by-step guide can assist you in formulating the agreement, it is best to ask for legal advice from credible sources to prevent discrepancies.
From designing your customer referral program to creating a terms and conditions agreement, can offer you expert advice to streamline your business dealings.
Why do I need to set terms and conditions for my referral program?
Setting terms and conditions for your referral program provides a legal framework that protects your business and clarifies participant rules and expectations. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations and establishes guidelines for an efficient referral process.
How often should I modify or update the terms and conditions?
Reviewing and updating your referral program's terms and conditions periodically or when significant changes occur is wise. Regular reviews help ensure your terms and conditions remain current, accurate, and aligned with your business goals.