Referral vs Affiliate Marketing for SaaS: Comparison

Discover the differences between referral and affiliate marketing for SaaS. Learn which strategy can best drive growth for your business.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 3 min read
Referral vs Affiliate Marketing for SaaS: Comparison

Referral and affiliate marketing are two powerful growth strategies for SaaS companies. Here's the key difference:

  • Referral Marketing: Your customers promote your product
  • Affiliate Marketing: Third-party partners promote your product

Let's break it down:

Aspect Referral Marketing Affiliate Marketing
Promoters Current customers External partners
Rewards Often product-based Usually cash commissions
Trust High (personal recommendations) Varies (depends on affiliate)
Reach Limited to customer networks Potentially wider audience
Conversion Rate Higher (3.74% average) Lower, but more scalable

Both can drive growth:

  • Dropbox grew 3900% in 15 months with referrals
  • Canva's affiliate program has 8,000+ partners

Choose based on your goals:

  • Referral marketing: Build trust and quality leads
  • Affiliate marketing: Expand reach and grow fast

Some companies, like Shopify, use both for maximum impact.

What is Referral Marketing in SaaS?

Referral marketing in SaaS is when companies get existing customers to recommend their product to others. It's supercharged word-of-mouth marketing.

Here's how it works:

  1. Customer likes your SaaS product
  2. You give them a unique referral link/code
  3. They share it with friends/colleagues
  4. New users sign up through that link
  5. Both referrer and new user get rewards

Why does it work so well for SaaS?

How SaaS Referral Marketing Works

SaaS referral programs leverage the online nature of these products. Users can easily share referral codes via:

  • Social media
  • Email
  • Direct messaging
  • In-app invitations

This makes referring quick and easy.

Real example: Dropbox offered users 16GB free storage for each new customer. Result? 3,900% growth in 15 months.

Pros of Referral Marketing

Benefit Description
Lower costs Pay only for new customers
Higher trust Friends > ads
Better retention Referred customers stay 18% longer
Increased reach Customers do your marketing

Referral marketing brings in higher-quality leads. Nielsen says people are 4x more likely to buy when referred by a friend.

To make your referral program work:

  1. Offer valuable rewards
  2. Make sharing easy (1-2 clicks)
  3. Use dual-sided rewards

Example: Trello gives users a free month of Trello Gold per successful referral, up to a year free.

What is Affiliate Marketing in SaaS?

Affiliate marketing in SaaS is a partnership between software companies and external promoters. Affiliates market the SaaS product to their audience and earn commissions on sales.

How SaaS Affiliate Marketing Works

  1. SaaS company creates affiliate program
  2. Affiliates join
  3. Affiliates get unique promo links
  4. Affiliates share links on their platforms
  5. When someone buys, affiliate earns commission

Example: Amazon's affiliate program has 900,000+ affiliates earning 4-10% commission on sales.

Pros of Affiliate Marketing

Benefit Description
Cost-effective Pay only for sales
Wide reach Tap into affiliates' audiences
Scalability Grow customer base quickly
Trust Leverage affiliates' credibility
Data-driven Track and optimize campaigns

SaaS companies can see big gains:

  • Potion made $30,000 in 3 months with 80+ affiliates
  • Expandi earned $65,000 in 12 months with 242 affiliates

To start a SaaS affiliate program:

  1. Set clear goals
  2. Choose affiliate software
  3. Set competitive commission rates
  4. Provide marketing tools/support
  5. Track performance and adjust

Referral vs Affiliate Marketing: Side-by-Side

Key differences between referral and affiliate marketing for SaaS:

Factor Referral Marketing Affiliate Marketing
Target Audience Existing customers Content creators, influencers
Reach Customer networks Broader audience
Trust Factor High (personal recommendations) Varies (affiliate credibility)
Reward Structure Often mutual Commission-based (affiliate only)
Cost Lower upfront investment Higher (commissions)
Complexity Simpler to manage More complex (tracking, payouts)
Conversion Rate Higher (92% trust recommendations) Lower (varies)

Referral marketing taps personal connections. Affiliate marketing casts a wider net.

Key difference: referral marketing often leads to higher-quality leads. Nielsen found 92% trust recommendations from friends/family over ads.

But affiliate marketing is big business - $12 billion globally in 2022.

Choose based on your goals:

  • Referral marketing: Leverage trust, boost retention
  • Affiliate marketing: Rapid growth, wider reach

Choosing Between Referral and Affiliate Marketing

Your choice depends on your product, market, resources, and goals.

Product and Customer Base

Referral programs work well for:

  • B2B SaaS with loyal customers
  • Products solving specific problems
  • High customer satisfaction

Affiliate marketing might be better if:

  • Your product has broad appeal
  • You want to reach new markets
  • You can afford cash commissions

Resources and Budget

Referral Marketing Affiliate Marketing
Lower initial cost Higher upfront investment
Often non-cash rewards Cash commissions
Easier for small teams More oversight needed

Goals and Growth Strategy

  • Referral Marketing: Build trust, get quality leads
  • Affiliate Marketing: Rapid expansion, new audiences

Market and Competition

  • If competitors rely on word-of-mouth, referrals could give you an edge
  • In a crowded market, affiliates might help you stand out

Don't forget: You can use both strategies. Many successful SaaS companies do.


Choosing between referral and affiliate marketing depends on your SaaS company's goals, resources, and audience. Here's a quick comparison:

Aspect Referral Marketing Affiliate Marketing
Target Existing customers External partners
Reach Personal networks Broader audience
Conversion Rate Higher (3.74%) Lower, but scalable
Trust Factor Very high Moderate
Reward Type Often product-based Usually cash
Best For Building loyalty Rapid scaling

When implementing:

  • Referral programs: Offer valuable rewards, ensure product quality
  • Affiliate programs: Choose aligned partners, set competitive rates

Some companies, like Shopify, successfully combine both approaches.

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