SaaS Brand Advocacy: 11 Steps to Turn Customers into Advocates

Learn how to turn SaaS customers into powerful brand advocates with 11 key steps, benefits, and tracking metrics. Find potential advocates, engage on social media, and offer early access to new features.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 7 min read
SaaS Brand Advocacy: 11 Steps to Turn Customers into Advocates

SaaS brand advocacy turns happy customers into promoters of your product. Here's a quick guide to creating brand advocates:

  1. Find potential advocates
  2. Provide excellent customer service
  3. Start a rewards program
  4. Ask for referrals
  5. Build a user group
  6. Use customer stories
  7. Engage on social media
  8. Personalize messages
  9. Ask for and use feedback
  10. Create helpful content
  11. Offer early access to new features

Key benefits of brand advocacy:

Benefit Description
Trust Builds credibility through word-of-mouth
Growth Brings in new customers
Insights Provides valuable product feedback
Loyalty Increases customer retention

Tracking success:

Metric What It Measures
Referral Rate New customers from referrals
Engagement Rate Customer interactions
Social Media Shares Content popularity
Retention Rate Customer loyalty
Net Promoter Score Overall customer satisfaction

By following these steps and tracking key metrics, you can turn your SaaS customers into powerful brand advocates.

SaaS Brand Advocacy Basics


How SaaS Brand Advocacy is Different

SaaS brand advocacy is special because of how software companies work. In SaaS:

  • Customers rely heavily on the products they use
  • Customer opinions can make or break a business
  • Products are often subscription-based, creating ongoing relationships

These factors make customers more likely to become brand advocates.

Advantages of Strong Brand Advocates

Having customers who promote your brand can help your SaaS business in many ways:

Advantage Description
Trust Happy customers sharing good experiences builds trust
New Customers Word-of-mouth brings in more users
Product Insights Advocates give useful feedback to improve the product
Customer Loyalty Promoters are more likely to keep using the product

Brand advocates are important because:

  1. People trust friends' recommendations more than ads
  2. They help the company grow by bringing in new customers
  3. Their feedback helps make the product better
  4. They tend to stick with the product longer

Getting Ready for Brand Advocacy

Before starting advocacy programs, companies need to focus on key areas that help create advocates. Good brand advocacy starts with happy customers who trust and like the company.

Making Products Better and Customers Happier

Happy customers are more likely to stay with a company and tell others about it. To make customers happy:

  1. Make sure your product works well and helps customers
  2. Have a friendly, easy-to-use product
  3. Give customers good value for their money

When customers really like a product, they often tell others about it. This can help bring in new customers without spending money on ads.

What to Focus On Why It's Important
Product Quality Customers stay if the product works well
Customer Support Quick help keeps customers happy
Regular Updates Improving the product keeps it useful

By working on these areas, companies can make customers happier. Happy customers are more likely to become brand advocates.

Putting Customers First

Putting customers first helps build trust and loyalty. This means thinking about what customers need and want.

To put customers first:

  1. Ask for feedback and use it to make things better
  2. Talk to each customer in a way that fits them
  3. Make sure support staff can solve problems quickly

When companies focus on customers, it helps in many ways:

Benefit How It Helps
Loyal Customers Customers stay with brands that care about them
Happy Customers Personal service makes customers feel good
Good Reviews Happy customers tell others about the company

11 Steps to Turn Customers into Advocates

1. Find Potential Advocates

Look for customers who might become brand advocates:

Customer Behavior What It Means
Often uses the product Customer likes the product
Gives good feedback Customer is happy with the product
Tells others about the product Customer wants to share their good experience
Joins online groups about the product Customer is interested in the product community

By watching for these signs, companies can find customers who might tell others about their product.

2. Give Great Customer Service

Good customer service helps create loyal customers:

What to Do Why It Helps
Help new customers get started Makes customers feel welcome
Fix problems quickly Keeps customers happy
Make sure the product works well Customers enjoy using the product

When customers get good service, they're more likely to tell others about the product.

3. Start a Rewards Program

A rewards program can make customers feel special:

Program Ideas How It Helps
Give discounts for long-time customers Customers want to keep using the product
Let loyal customers try new features first Customers feel important
Create a community for loyal customers Customers feel connected to the product

Rewards programs can make customers want to keep using the product and tell others about it.

4. Ask Customers to Refer Friends

Encourage customers to tell their friends about the product:

Referral Program Ideas Benefits
Give rewards for successful referrals More new customers join
Thank customers who refer others Customers feel appreciated
Make it easy to share about the product More people hear about the product

When customers tell their friends, it helps the company grow and creates more advocates.

5. Build a User Group

Create a place for customers to talk to each other:

User Group Benefits How It Helps
Customers can share tips People learn more about the product
Company can hear customer ideas Product gets better
Customers feel part of a community People want to stay with the product

User groups help customers feel connected and more likely to speak well of the product.

6. Use Customer Stories

Share stories from happy customers:

Ways to Use Customer Stories Why It Works
Show how customers use the product Others see how it can help them
Let customers share their own stories Real experiences feel trustworthy
Highlight different types of customers More people can relate

When customers see others succeeding with the product, they're more likely to try it and tell others.

7. Talk on Social Media

Use social media to connect with customers:

Social Media Tips What It Does
Answer customer questions quickly Shows the company cares
Share helpful information Keeps customers interested
Thank customers who mention the product Makes customers feel valued

Being active on social media helps build good relationships with customers.

8. Make Messages Personal

Use what you know about customers to make messages just for them:

Personalization Ideas Why It's Good
Use the customer's name Makes messages feel personal
Mention how they use the product Shows you pay attention
Send tips based on their needs Helps customers get more value

Personal messages make customers feel important and more likely to stay with the product.

9. Ask for and Use Feedback

Listen to what customers say and make changes:

Feedback Methods How It Helps
Send short surveys Get quick input from customers
Read customer comments Understand what customers think
Make changes based on feedback Show customers their opinion matters

When customers see their ideas used, they feel heard and want to support the product more.

10. Create Helpful Content

Make information that helps customers:

Content Ideas Benefits
How-to guides Customers learn to use the product better
Tips and tricks Customers get more value from the product
Industry news Customers see the company as knowledgeable

Helpful content shows customers the company wants them to succeed, making them more likely to recommend the product.

11. Let Customers Try New Features

Give some customers early access to new things:

Early Access Benefits Why It Works
Customers feel special They're more likely to stay with the product
Get feedback before full release Product improves before everyone uses it
Create excitement about new features Customers tell others about what's coming

Letting customers try new features makes them feel important and more likely to speak well of the product.


Tracking Brand Advocacy Success

Key Metrics for Brand Advocacy

To see if your brand advocacy program is working, you need to track some important numbers. Here are the main things to look at:

Metric What It Means
Referral Rate How many new customers come from current customers telling others
Engagement Rate How much customers interact with your brand on social media
Social Media Shares How often people share your content on social media
Customer Retention Rate How many customers keep using your product over time
Net Promoter Score (NPS) How happy and loyal your customers are

By watching these numbers, you can see how well your program is doing and where you can make it better.

Tools to Measure Advocate Engagement

To track how much customers are engaging with your brand, you'll need some tools. Here are some helpful ones:

Tool What It Does
Google Analytics Shows you how people use your website
Social Media Tools (like Hootsuite) Tracks how people interact with you on social media
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software Keeps track of how you talk to customers
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Software Measures how happy your customers are

These tools can help you see how well your brand advocacy efforts are working. They give you information to make smart choices about your program.


Quick Review of the 11 Steps

Here's a simple recap of the 11 steps to turn customers into advocates:

Step Description
1. Find Potential Advocates Look for happy customers who might tell others about your product
2. Give Great Customer Service Help customers quickly and make sure they're happy
3. Start a Rewards Program Give loyal customers special perks
4. Ask Customers to Refer Friends Encourage customers to tell others and thank them for it
5. Build a User Group Create a place for customers to talk and share ideas
6. Use Customer Stories Share real examples of how customers use your product
7. Talk on Social Media Connect with customers online and answer their questions
8. Make Messages Personal Use what you know about customers to send them relevant info
9. Ask for and Use Feedback Listen to customers and make changes based on what they say
10. Create Helpful Content Make guides and tips to help customers use your product better
11. Let Customers Try New Features Give some customers early access to new things

By following these steps, you can help turn your customers into people who tell others about your product.

Long-Term Effects of Good Brand Advocacy

When customers become advocates, it helps your business in many ways:

Effect How It Helps
More Loyal Customers Advocates tend to keep using your product for a long time
Better Company Image When people say good things, others think well of your company
More New Customers Advocates tell their friends, bringing in new users
Stand Out from Competitors Having lots of happy customers can make your company look better than others

These benefits can help your business grow and do well over time.


What is the most important priority for a customer experience advocate?

The main focus for a customer experience advocate should be making customers happy. Here's what matters most:

Priority Why It's Important
Understand customer needs Helps you serve them better
Give personal attention Makes customers feel valued
Create great experiences Keeps customers coming back
Build a community Turns happy customers into advocates

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