SaaS Referral Marketing: 11 Influencer Tips

Unlock SaaS growth with influencer referral marketing. Discover 11 essential tips to enhance your strategy and boost conversions.

Justin Britten

Justin Britten

· 10 min read
SaaS Referral Marketing: 11 Influencer Tips

Want to supercharge your SaaS growth? Influencer referral marketing is your secret weapon. Here's why:

  • Influencers have massive reach ($13.8 billion industry in 2022)
  • People trust influencers (54% of social media users follow brands they love)
  • It works for SaaS companies big and small
  • 90% of consumers trust word-of-mouth more than ads

Here are 11 tips to nail your SaaS influencer referral program:

  1. Pick suitable influencers
  2. Create a tailored referral program
  3. Train influencers on your product
  4. Use multiple channels
  5. Make easy-to-share content
  6. Use trackable links
  7. Set up reward levels
  8. Ask for honest reviews
  9. Work together on content
  10. Give constant help
  11. Check results and improve
Tip Why It Matters
Pick suitable influencers Right fit = better results
Create tailored program Motivates influencers
Train on product Authentic promotion
Use multiple channels Wider reach
Easy-to-share content More shares
Trackable links Measure performance
Reward levels Keeps influencers engaged
Honest reviews Builds trust
Collaborate on content Fresh, relevant material
Constant support Happy influencers = better results
Check and improve Optimize your program

Bottom line: SaaS + influencers + smart referral program = growth on steroids. Let's dive in.

Pick Suitable Influencers

Choosing the right influencers can make or break your SaaS referral marketing campaign. It's not about follower count. It's about finding people who get your product and can speak to your target audience.

Here's how to pick influencers that fit your brand:

1. Know your audience

Figure out where your potential customers hang out online. Are they LinkedIn professionals? YouTube tech enthusiasts? This will guide your search.

2. Look for niche experts

In SaaS, you want influencers who know their stuff. Think industry thought leaders, tech reviewers, business software experts, or productivity gurus.

3. Check engagement rates

A small, engaged following often beats a large, passive one. Look for influencers whose posts spark conversations and shares.

4. Align with your brand values

Make sure the influencer's content and persona match your company's ethos. This ensures a natural, believable partnership.

5. Consider different influencer types

Type Description Best for
Brand Ambassadors Long-term advocates Building trust over time
Sponsored Influencers Campaign-based promotions Short-term boosts
Affiliates Commission-based partners Performance-driven campaigns
Customer Advocates Satisfied users Authentic testimonials

6. Use the right tools

Use social listening tools, Google searches, and industry events to find potential influencers.

7. Start small

Don't blow your budget on one mega-influencer. Test the waters with micro-influencers first. They often have higher engagement rates and cost less.

Take Notion's success story. They didn't just pick any YouTuber. They partnered with creators like Thomas Frank and Ali Abdaal—productivity experts who could showcase Notion's features in a way that resonated with their audience.

"The key is identifying and recruiting true niche software experts who already command the ears (and wallets) of your ideal customers", says a SaaS marketing expert.

2. Create a Tailored Referral Program

You've picked your influencers. Now, let's build a referral program that works for them.

Set clear goals

What do you want? More sign-ups? Higher conversion rates? Paying customers? Write down specific numbers.

Choose rewards that work

Pick incentives that get influencers and their followers excited:

For Influencers For Referred Users
Commission per sale First purchase discount
Free product upgrades Longer free trial
Cash bonuses Account credits

Make sharing a breeze

Give influencers ready-made content and trackable links. Easy sharing = more sharing.

Double the rewards

Reward both the influencer and the new customer. It's a win-win.

Create reward tiers

Set up levels. More referrals = bigger perks. It keeps influencers in the game.

Track everything

Use referral software to monitor links, conversions, and payouts. It's faster and more accurate.

Be crystal clear

Spell out how and when rewards happen. Keep it simple and transparent.

Real-world wins:

Dropbox offered 500MB extra storage for each friend sign-up (up to 16GB). Result? 3900% growth in 15 months.
Trello gives users one month of their premium plan per signup. Smart move - it boosts new sign-ups AND upgrades for current users.

3. Train Influencers on Your Product

Want influencers to really get your SaaS? Here's how:

Let them play with your product. Free access means hands-on learning and genuine sharing.

Create simple guides and videos. Focus on key features and benefits.

Run online workshops. Your team can demo the product and answer questions live.

Be there for them. Always be ready to help if they're stuck.

Show off wins. Real examples of your product solving problems? That's gold.

Keep them in the loop. New feature? Let them know ASAP.

Here's what your influencer training should cover:

Training Element Purpose
Product overview What it does and who it's for
Key features Main tools and how they work
Use cases Real-world examples
FAQs Common questions, answered
Demo access Login details for hands-on use

Well-trained influencers = better product explanations = more sign-ups and sales.

"We ran demo sessions with key influencers. They later shared how the tool boosted their project efficiency." - CMO, FireRock Marketing

4. Use Multiple Channels

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your SaaS referral program across different platforms to reach more potential customers and influencers.

Why? It's simple:

  • You'll connect with a wider audience
  • You can tailor your message for each platform
  • You'll boost your chances of getting noticed

Here's how to make it happen:

  1. Social media: Go where your audience is. For B2B SaaS? LinkedIn's often your best bet.
  2. Email: Sneak your referral program into your newsletter footer.
  3. Website: Make your referral program easy to find. Put it in your nav or footer.
  4. Content marketing: Blog about it. Make videos about it.
  5. Podcasts: Great for reaching B2B decision-makers.

Different SaaS, different channels:

SaaS Type Top Channels
B2C Instagram, TikTok, YouTube
B2B LinkedIn, Podcasts, Blogs

Keep your message consistent across channels. It's all about creating a smooth experience for your customers.

Real-world wins:

"We ran demo sessions with key influencers. They later shared how the tool boosted their project efficiency." - CMO, FireRock Marketing teamed up with marketing pros to create work-from-home content. The result?

  • 17.9 million potential reach from influencer posts
  • Over 300,000 organic social media impressions

That's the power of multi-channel marketing.

5. Make Easy-to-Share Content

Want influencers to spread the word about your SaaS? Make your content a breeze to share. Here's how:

  1. Keep it simple: Boil down your product's benefits to a few key points.
  2. Go visual: Add eye-catching images or infographics. They're share magnets.
  3. Do the work for them: Craft ready-to-go social posts and email templates. Less work for influencers = more shares for you.
  4. Sharing options galore: Offer multiple ways to spread the word - social buttons, email links, SMS, you name it.
  5. Mobile-friendly is a must: If it looks good on phones, it's more likely to be shared on the go.
Sharing Method Why It Works
Social Buttons One-click sharing
Email Templates Personal touch
SMS Links Quick and direct
QR Codes Bridges offline and online

Keep it simple, stupid. Dropbox nailed this:

"We showed key influencers how it worked. They shared how it sped up their projects." - CMO, FireRock Marketing

Dropbox's approach? Offer 500MB extra storage for each referral. Result? A whopping 3,900% user growth in 15 months. Win-win.

Want more shares? Try these:

  • Write blog posts that tackle your audience's headaches
  • Create step-by-step guides with visuals
  • Talk like a human, not a robot

Want to know if your influencer partnerships are working? Use trackable links. Here's how:

1. Give each influencer a unique link

This lets you see who's bringing in traffic.

2. Use UTM parameters

These code snippets at the end of URLs show where your traffic comes from. For example:

This link tells you it's from Instagram, shared by an influencer, for your summer launch.

3. Choose the right tools

Don't do this manually. Here are some options:

Tool Starting Price Key Feature
Referral Rock $175/month Built for referral programs
ClickMagick $49/month Deep analytics
Bitly $14/month Link shortening + tracking

4. Look beyond clicks

Track conversions, time on site, and pages visited.

5. Share data with influencers

Show them how they're doing. It can boost their performance.

"Sharing performance data with our influencers led to a 30% increase in referrals in just one month." - CMO, SaaSquatch

Trackable links give you the data you need to make smart decisions about your influencer partnerships.


7. Set Up Reward Levels

Want to supercharge your SaaS referral program? Create a tiered reward system. It's like a game where influencers level up for bringing in more customers.

Here's how to do it:

1. Start small, aim big

Make the first goals easy, then ramp it up. For example:

Tier Referrals Reward
Rookie 1-5 $20 store credit
Pro 6-15 $50 store credit
All-Star 16-30 $100 store credit
Legend 31+ $200 credit + exclusive product

2. Get creative with tier names

Ditch boring labels. Pick names that fit your brand and get influencers pumped.

3. Mix in non-cash perks

Add rewards that don't break the bank but feel special:

  • Sneak peeks at new features
  • Chats with your team
  • VIP influencer events

4. Keep it real

Set goals your influencers can actually hit. Check your data to find the sweet spot.

5. Show progress

Let influencers see how close they are to leveling up. It's like a progress bar in a video game - it keeps them going.

Here's a real-world example:

Morning Brew, a popular business newsletter, crushes it with their tiered system:

Referrals Reward
1 Tote bag
3 Stickers
5 Mug
10 T-shirt
25 Bottle
50 Sweatshirt
1000 Home office makeover

This setup keeps everyone in the game, from casual sharers to hardcore fans.

8. Ask for Honest Reviews

Honest influencer feedback is gold for your SaaS referral program. Here's why:

  • 90% of customers read reviews before buying
  • 72% trust online reviews more than bloggers

So, how do you get genuine feedback?

  1. Give free access. They can't review what they haven't used.
  2. Be clear about your goals. Tell them exactly what you want.
  3. Don't push for positivity. Ask for honesty, not praise.
  4. Make it easy. Use a simple feedback form or survey.
  5. Follow up. Thank them and ask if they have questions.

Take Ali Abdaal's review of Notion. He disclosed the sponsorship, gave an in-depth look, and shared pros and cons. That's how it's done.

"Ali's review built trust with viewers and gave Notion valuable feedback. It's a win-win." - Marketing expert

Pro tip: Use reviews to improve your product. If multiple influencers mention the same issue, it's probably worth fixing.

9. Work Together on Content

Teaming up with influencers can supercharge your SaaS referral program. Here's how:

Co-create content that solves problems

Partner with influencers to make content that shows your SaaS product in action. did this with marketing guru Ann Handley, focusing on remote work. The results?

  • 17.9 million potential reach
  • 300,000+ organic social impressions

Let influencers do their thing

Don't micromanage. Give influencers room to be themselves. It'll make the content feel more genuine.

Mix it up

Use different content types to keep things interesting:

Content Type What It Is
Sponsored posts Influencer shares on their platforms
Guest blogs Influencer writes for your site
Videos YouTube or Instagram content
Podcasts Brand features or discussions

Guide, don't dictate

Share your brand voice, but let influencers use their own style. It's why their audience loves them.

Plan it out

Create a content calendar. It keeps everyone on track and in sync.

"Long-term influencer relationships build a pool of experts who really get your product." - Nico, Crunch Marketing Founder

Leverage existing fans

Look for influencers already talking about your product. They're often eager to partner and might be more budget-friendly.

10. Give Constant Help

Want your SaaS referral program to thrive? Help your influencers. A lot. Here's how:

Keep them in the know

Send product updates regularly. Why? It helps influencers create better content.

Give them tools

Arm your influencers with:

Tool Why it matters
Product demos Shows features in action
Case studies Proves your product works
FAQ sheets Answers common questions
Content templates Makes promotion easy

Be there. Fast.

Set up a special support channel just for influencers. Answer quickly. Keep campaigns rolling.

Ask what they think

Get influencers involved in improving your product. Their ideas can make it better for everyone.

Celebrate wins

Hit a milestone? Celebrate it. It keeps influencers fired up and strengthens your partnership.

Show the impact

Let influencers see how they're helping. It helps them improve and shows why working together matters.

"Always talking to your influencers? That's how you keep them engaged and effective in your referral program."

Remember: happy influencers = successful program.

11. Check Results and Improve

Want your SaaS referral program to crush it? You've got to keep an eye on the numbers and tweak things. Here's the deal:

Track What Matters

Focus on these key metrics:

Metric Why It's Important
Reach How far your message spreads
Engagement Are people interacting?
Click-through rates Are they curious enough to click?
Conversion rates Are they becoming customers?
ROI Are you making money?

Use the Right Tools

Google Analytics is your friend. It shows you:

  • Where your visitors come from
  • How long they stick around
  • What they do on your site

Give Each Influencer a Unique Code

This way, you'll know exactly who's bringing in the customers.

Check Data Regularly

Don't wait until the campaign's over. Keep an eye on those numbers so you can pivot if needed.

Talk to Your Influencers

Share what you find. They might have some killer ideas to boost performance.


Try different:

  • Incentives
  • Messages
  • Channels

Find out what makes your audience tick.

Create a Clear Report


  • Your goals
  • What you did with influencers
  • The results

This helps you prove why influencer marketing is worth it.

"The average ROI for influencer marketing is anywhere from $5-$6.50 for every dollar spent."

That's some serious bang for your buck. Keep testing, keep improving, and watch your SaaS referral program soar.


SaaS referral marketing with influencers works. Here's why:

People trust recommendations. 84% prefer them over ads. That's why influencer referrals hit hard.

Referred customers are gold. They stay 18% longer and spend 16% more.

It's cheap and effective. $1 in influencer marketing can bring $5-$6.50 back.

Look at these wins:

Company Move Result
Dropbox Extra storage for referrals 100k to 4M users in 15 months
Airbnb Travel credits for both sides Users exploded
Slack $100 credit each way Sign-ups jumped

What's coming?

1. AI will make referrals smarter.

2. Video (especially TikTok) will rule.

3. Micro-influencers will matter more.

The key? Pick the right influencers. Make sharing easy. Track everything. Do this, and your SaaS referrals will take off.

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